We work / have worked with…
APO is an intergovernmental organisation whose mission is to contribute to the sustainable socioeconomic development of Asia and the Pacific through enhancing inclusive, innovation-led productivity. The APO currently has members in 21 economies in the Asia-Pacific region.
Hélène partnered with the APO to deliver aspects of their 2024 Training Course in Social Entrepreneurship. She designed and facilitated a 4-workshop series with 40 participants from across the region, with a focus on understanding and applying the Business Model Canvas.
B Lab is a not-for-profit network and business performance standard transforming the global economy to benefit all people, communities, and the planet.
Alex serves as Co-Chair of B Lab Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. -
Alex is part of a Network Transformation Team that is leading a process to evolve the organisational structure and strategy of the B Lab Global Network. Alex has specifically led the work to redesign the Network’s governance arrangements.
The Brian Picot Chair in Ethical Leadership works towards facilitating a transparent and ethically sound business sector.
Hélène works alongside Professor Karin Lasthuizen, the inaugural and current Chair, to help build capability in ethical leadership amongst current and future leaders in the public and private sectors, by amplifying the Chair's academic research work and translating research findings into practical content and tools. -
The Centre for Systems Innovation seeks to grow capabilities and infrastructures to accelerate shifts towards regenerative and distributive futures.
Alex works with the Centre on systems capital approaches, infrastructures for systems innovation, and providing advisory support for the Australian Social Enterprise National Strategy — this includes serving on the Board of Social Enterprise Australia. -
Collective Intelligence is a diverse, one-of-a-kind human ecosystem that takes inspiration from mother nature to grow more grounded people, more emotionally intelligent leaders, and more future-focused and resourceful communities.
Jody works with them by providing advice on operational structure and synthesizing a range of tools to best enable this small team to operate efficiently. She also provides creative and comms support, including podcast production, social media collateral, and templates. -
Doughnut Economics is an economic model that emerged from the increasingly urgent needs of our society to align social and environmental needs with economic trends. It has become a core driver of sustainable innovation and growth in regions, cities, and neighborhoods across the globe.
Hélène works with MOTIF to explore the potential of Doughnut Economics as a compass for a thriving Wellington city. -
The Edmund Hillary Fellowship (EHF) is a community of 500+ innovators, entrepreneurs, and investors committed to New Zealand as a basecamp for global impact.
Alex is supporting the development of EHF's Mission Studio in the capacity of Systems Impact Architect. -
five+dime is a creative and storytelling agency on a mission to shift mindsets, shape a new narrative, and change behaviors towards a better world.
Hélène supports clients with research, discovery of insights, sense-making, and brand strategies. -
Flaxroots is a network of place-based social enterprise enablers and supporters. The network strives to improve the enablers’ capability to create equality, social justice, and environmental regeneration in Aotearoa by way of supporting kaupapa-driven, community-led, and social enterprises in the regions.
Hélène supports the Flaxroots members with story-building, a strategic roadmap, and a funding strategy. -
May Miller-Dawkins Advisory was contracted by a group of philanthropists to investigate how funding had influenced and impacted Australia’s social enterprise ecosystem over the last 20 years. Alex supported the research team in the capacity of adviser.
Hélène worked with the Sinoti Samoa to find ways to combine the community’s strengths and needs with the wider social and economic context of the Drury area (South Auckland), and develop business models with the potential to create impact in the areas of health, wellbeing, education, and employment.
In addition to serving as a Director of Social Enterprise Australia (SEA), Alex has undertaken project work to evolve and strengthen SEA governance arrangements and supports the executive team on strategy and the organisation’s impact and learning framework.
SEWF is part of a global movement to transform business and co-create a new economy that enables all people to thrive within the means of our living planet.
Hélène serves as Chair of the Board and contributes to strengthening the global social enterprise community through locally-led initiatives that contribute to wider systems transformation. -
The Sustainability Trust is a community-led enterprise that is on a mission to create sustainable, healthy homes for the Wellington region communities, to support them to take climate change action, and to nurture their relationship with Papatūānuku.
Hélène was appointed a Trustee of the Sustainability Trust in November 2024.
Alex is a Fellow at the The TransCap Initiative - a collaborative innovation space for developing, demonstrating, and scaling systemic investing in the places that matter most for human prosperity, such as cities, landscapes, and coastal zones, as well as in value chains and other real-economy systems.
Zero Waste Network and Environment Hubs Aotearoa are facilitating a food waste prevention project that aims to work with communities of Aotearoa New Zealand to reduce food waste by 10%. The project, called Every Bite, takes a network approach to inviting families and communities from across the country to reconnect around the value of food.
Hélène and Alex are working with the team on their Impact Strategy, their Measurement, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) framework, and the ongoing implementation and iteration of these as the project unfolds. -
We are working with Zespri’s Sustainability Team on the design and implementation of their transition to a low-carbon and climate-resilient industry.
Social Enterprise World Forum - supporting the organisation’s pivot into the world of digital events
“Hélène, thank you again for all you did to support the SEWF team with the event this year. SEWF is so lucky to have you guiding our community and organisation. (…) I really am inspired by your grace and poise that comes through spectacularly both in person on stage and on screen - you were such a spectacular moderator through it all. Of course, your kindness makes running events like these where there is such a huge learning curve all the better.”
Strategy development for a Wellington-based research consultancy - focusing on building organisational culture & capacity for a distributed and mostly part-time team
“Wonderful facilitation - you have a calm strong presence and fantastic skill in capturing what was said! I loved our moments outside… I feel more grounded and connected to my work, our team and the wairua of our organisation.”
An online ‘retreat’/ team culture development process for an international human rights organisation - to deepen a sense of connection and understanding within a growing team.
“After our globally distributed team was forced to cancel our in-person retreat due to Covid-19, we engaged Hannah to facilitate an ‘on-line retreat’ for us instead. We were amazed at what an incredible job she did of creating sessions that allowed us to deepen our connections without feeling like we were in yet another Zoom meeting.”
Personal coaching for a Hillary Fellow - supporting a personal and professional transition
"Hannah has a unique ability to provide the space to be both vulnerable and be challenged. Her imaginative and playful activities have allowed me to explore the next stage of my journey. Working with Hannah has been key to guiding me through the crazy pandemic world and emerging with more insights, energy and purpose.”